

Research papers

  1. Mõtshärg, E., Vunder, V., Raudmäe, R., Muro, M., Drikkit, I., Tšigrinski, L., Köidam, R., Aabloo, A., Kruusamäe, K., 2024. Robotont 3 – an accessible 3D-printable ROS-supported open-source mobile robot for education and research. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 11.
  2. Raudmäe, R., Schumann, S., Vunder, V., Oidekivi, M., Nigol, M.K., Valner, R., Masnavi, H., Singh, A.K., Aabloo, A. and Kruusamäe, K., 2023. ROBOTONT–Open-source and ROS-supported omnidirectional mobile robot for education and research. HardwareX, 14, p.e00436.

Research papers that leverage the Robotont platform

  1. Krūmiņš, D., Schumann, S., Vunder, V., Põlluäär, R., Laht, K., Raudmäe, R., Aabloo, A. and Kruusamäe, K., 2024. Open remote web lab for learning robotics and ROS with physical and simulated robots in an authentic developer environment. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 17, p.1325 – 1338.
  2. Raudmäe, R., Vunder, V., Kandlhofer, M., Breiling, B., Sumper-Sabitzer, M., Mõtshärg, E., Schumann, S., Kruusamäe, K., 2024. Open Source and Portable Educational Kits for Enabling Robotics Education. In: Balogh, R., Obdržálek, D., Fislake, M. (eds) Robotics in Education. RiE 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems , vol 1084. Springer, Cham.
  3. Masnavi, H., Shrestha, J., Kruusamäe, K. and Singh, A.K., 2023. VACNA: Visibility-Aware Cooperative Navigation with Application in Inventory Management. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 8, pp.7114 – 7121.
  4. Schumann, S., Krūmiņš, D., Vunder, V., Aabloo, A., Siiman, L.A. and Kruusamäe, K., 2023, April. A Beginner-Level MOOC on ROS Robotics Leveraging a Remote Web Lab for Programming Physical Robots. In International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE) (pp. 285-297). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  5. Valner, R., Vunder, V., Aabloo, A., Pryor, M. and Kruusamäe, K., 2022. TeMoto: a software framework for adaptive and dependable robotic autonomy with dynamic resource management. IEEE Access, 10, pp.51889-51907.
  6. Masnavi, H., Adajania, V.K., Kruusamäe, K. and Singh, A.K., 2022. Real-time multi-convex model predictive control for occlusion-free target tracking with quadrotors. IEEE Access, 10, pp.29009-29031.
  7. Masnavi, H., Shrestha, J., Mishra, M., Sujit, P.B., Kruusamäe, K. and Singh, A.K., 2022. Visibility-aware navigation with batch projection augmented cross-entropy method over a learned occlusion cost. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4), pp.9366-9373.
  8. Adajania, V.K., Sharma, A., Gupta, A., Masnavi, H., Krishna, K.M. and Singh, A.K., 2022. Multi-modal model predictive control through batch non-holonomic trajectory optimization: Application to highway driving. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2), pp.4220-4227.
  9. Leoste, J., Viik, T., López, J.S.M., Kangur, M., Vunder, V., Mollard, Y., Õun, T., Tammo, H. and Paekivi, K., 2022. Robots as my future colleagues: changing attitudes toward collaborative robots by means of experience-based workshops. In Ludic, Co-design and Tools Supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development (pp. 163-175). Springer Singapore.
  10. Mayrhofer, W., Nixdorf, S., Fischer, C., Zigart, T., Schmidbauer, C. and Schlund, S., 2021. Learning nuggets for cobot education: a conceptual framework, implementation, and evaluation of adaptive learning content. In Proceedings of the Conference on Learning Factories (CLF).


PhD theses

  1. Robert Valner, Design of TeMoto, a software framework for dependable, adaptive, and collaborative autonomous robots [TeMoto – töökindlate, adaptiivsete ja koostöövõimeliste autonoomsete robotite arendamise tarkvararaamistik], PhD thesis, 2024
  2. Houman Masnavi, Visibility aware navigation [Nähtavust arvestav navigatsioon], PhD thesis, 2023

Master’s theses

  1. Eva Mõtshärg, 3D-prinditava kere disain ja analüüs vabavaralisele haridusrobotile Robotont [Design and Analysis of a 3D Printable Chassis for the Open Source Educational Robot Robotont], MS thesis, 2023
  2. Igor Rybalskii, Augmented reality (AR) for enabling human-robot collaboration with ROS robots [Liitreaalsus inimese ja roboti koostöö võimaldamiseks ROS-i robotitega], MS thesis, 2022
  3. Houman Masnavi, Multi-Robot Motion Planning for Shared Payload Transportation [Rajaplaneerimine multi-robot süsteemile jagatud lasti transportimisel], MS thesis, 2020
  4. Fabian Ernesto Parra Gil, Implementation of Robot Manager Subsystem for Temoto Software Framework [Robotite Halduri alamsüsteemi väljatöötamine tarkvararaamistikule TEMOTO], MS thesis, 2020
  5. Madis K Nigol, Õppematerjalid robotplatvormile Robotont [Study materials for robot platform Robotont], MS thesis, 2019
  6. Renno Raudmäe, Avatud robotplatvorm Robotont [Open source robotics platform Robotont], MS thesis, 2019

Bachelor’s theses

  1. Veronika-Marina Volynets, Development of Control Electronics and Program for Robotont’s Height Adjustment Mechanism [Juhtelektroonika ja programmi väljatöötamine Robotondi kõrguse reguleerimise mehhanismile], BS thesis, 2024
  2. Veronika Podliesnova, Real-Time Detection of Robot Failures by Monitoring Operator’s Brain Activity with EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface [Reaalajas Robotirikke Tuvastamine Operaatori Ajutegevuse Jälgimise teel EEG-põhise Aju-Arvuti Liidese abil], BS thesis, 2024
  3. Karl Sander Vinkel, Laadimisjaama ja transportkesta väljatöötamine õpperobotile Robotont [Development of charging dock and transport case for Robotont], BS thesis, 2024
  4. Raimo Köidam, Valguslahenduse tarkvara väljatöötamine õpperobotile Robotont [Development of light solution software for the educational robot Robotont], BS thesis, 2024
  5. Robert Valge, Toitepinge ja tarbevoolu monitoorimine ning toitehalduse püsivara loomine õpperobotil Robotont [Monitoring supply voltage and current consumption and creating firmware for Robotont’s power management system], BS thesis, 2024
  6. Leonid Tšigrinski, Õpperoboti Robotont püsivara arhitektuuri uuendamine [Education robot “Robotont” firmware architecture updating], BS thesis, 2024
  7. Andres Sakk, Avatud robotplatvormi Robotont 3 kasutajaliidese väljatöötamine [Development of a user interface for the open robotics platform Robotont 3], BS thesis, 2024
  8. Sven-Ervin Paap, ROS2 draiver õpperobotile Robotont [ROS2 driver for the educational robot Robotont], BS thesis, 2024
  9. Iryna Hurova, Kitting station of the learning factory [Õppetehase komplekteerimisjaam], BS thesis, 2023
  10. Paola Avalos Conchas, Payload transportation system of a learning factory [Õppetehase kasuliku koorma transpordisüsteem], BS thesis, 2023
  11. Pille Pärnalaas, Pöördpõik ajami arendus robotplatvormile Robotont [Development of swerve drive for robotic platform Robotont], BS thesis, 2023
  12. Priit Rooden, Autonoomse laadimislahenduse väljatöötamine õpperobotile Robotont [Development of an autonomous charging solution for the robot platform Robotont], BS thesis, 2023
  13. Marko Muro, Robotondi akulahenduse ning 12 V pingeregulaatori prototüüpimine [Prototyping battery solution and 12 V voltage regulator for Robotont], BS thesis, 2023solution and 12 V voltage regulator for Robotont], BS thesis, 2023
  14. Kertrud Geddily Küüt, Kõrgust reguleeriv mehhanism Robotondile [Height adjusting mechanism for Robotont], BS thesis, 2023
  15. Ingvar Drikkit, Lisaseadmete võimekuse arendamine haridusrobotile Robotont [Developing add-on device support for the educational robot Robotont], BS thesis, 2023
  16. Erki Veeväli, Development of a Continuous Teleoperation System for Urban Road Vehicle [Linnasõiduki pideva kaugjuhtimissüsteemi arendus], BS thesis, 2023
  17. Aleksandra Doroshenko, Haiglates inimesi juhatava roboti disain [Hospital guide robot design], BS thesis, 2023
  18. Hui Shi, Expanding the Open-source ROS Software Pack age opencv_apps with Dedicated Blob Detection Functionality [Avatud lähtekoodiga ROS-i tarkvarakimbu opencv_apps laiendamine laigutuvasti funktsioonaalsusega], BS thesis, 2022
  19. Dāvis Krūmiņš, Web-based learning and software development environment for remote access of ROS robots [Veebipõhine õppe- ja tarkvaraarenduse keskkond ROS robotite juurdepääsuks kaugteel], BS thesis, 2022
  20. Anna Jakovleva, Roboquiz – an interactive human-robot game [Roboquiz – interaktiivne inimese ja roboti mäng], BS thesis, 2022
  21. Kristjan Laht, Localization with Fiducial Markers [Roboti lokaliseerimine koordinaatmärkidega], BS thesis, 2022
  22. Markus Erik Sügis, Jagatud juhtimise põhimõttel realiseeritud robotite kaugjuhtimissüsteem [A continuous teleoperating system based on shared control concept], BS thesis, 2022
  23. Rauno Põlluäär, Veebirakendus-põhine kasutajaliides avatud robotplatvormi Robotont juhtimiseks ja haldamiseks [Web application-based user interface for controlling and managing open-source robotics platform Robotont], BS thesis, 2021
  24. Tarvi Tepandi, Segareaalsusel põhinev kasutajaliides mobiilse roboti kaugjuhtimiseks Microsoft HoloLens 2 vahendusel [Mixed-reality user interface for teleoperating mobile robots with Microsoft HoloLens 2], BS thesis, 2021
  25. Kwasi Akuamoah Boateng, Digital Twin of a Teaching and Learning Robotics Lab [Robotite õpetamise ja õppimise labori digitaalne kaksik], BS thesis, 2021
  26. Karina Sein, Eestikeelse kõnesünteesi võimaldamine robootika arendusplatvormil ROS [Enabling Estonian speech synthesis on the Robot Operating System (ROS)], BS thesis, 2020
  27. Ranno Mäesepp, Takistuste vältimise lahendus õpperobotile Robotont [Obstacle avoidance solution for educational robot platform Robotont], BS thesis, 2020
  28. Meelis Pihlap, Mitme roboti koostöö funktsionaalsuste väljatöötamine tarkvararaamistikule TeMoto [Multi-robot collaboration functionalities for robot software development framework TeMoto], BS thesis, 2019
  29. Martin Maidla, Avatud robotiarendusplatvormi Robotont omniliikumise ja odomeetria arendamine [Omnimotion and odometry development for open robot development platform Robotont], BS thesis, 2018
  30. Raid Vellerind, Avatud robotiarendusplatvormi ROS võimekuse loomine Tartu Ülikooli Robotexi robootikaplatvormile [ROS driver development for the University of Tartu’s Robotex robotics platform], BS thesis, 2017
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